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Thai Heritage Spa Company Limited

Bangkok Office 1124/5-7 Thai Heritage Spa Building, Soi Ladprao 2,
Phaholyothin Rd., Jomphol, Jatuchak, Bangkok 10900 Thailand
Tel. 662 5137279 Fax. 662 5139240
Map to our office
Macau Office 27 Floor, Namvan Commercial Center,
429 Avenida, Da Praia Grande Macau
Tel. 853 6369590 Fax. 853 28322396 Map to our office
Europe Office: Via Delle Farine 2, 50122 Firenze, Italy
Tel: 39 3476469980 Map to our office Map to our office
U.S.A Office: 3103 Lassiter St., Durham,
NC 27707, United States of America
Middle East Office : 7th Flr. Al Zamel Building, Manama.
P.O. Box 54482, Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: 973 17224050 Fax: 97317225070
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